Sunday, 6 May 2012

Fun at National Park

Last Friday and Saturday I went down to the nearest National Park Wattamolla to check out some squid action I've been hearing from friends and not to be disappointed, I managed to land 5 on the day. However on the following Saturday it was lil too windy, so I left there quite early, right after I landed one aircraft carrier. Unfortunately I made the mistake of leaving the squid in the water secured in the net, but check out the pictures to see what these stupid eels done to it yourself.

Oh I forgot to mention, I actually landed 7 in total but two got away because I left my bucket near the water when the tide was coming in. IDIOT!

Smallest one on the right was 18cm in length.

My new toy Daiwa Caldia 2508.
Stupid Parramatta

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