Monday, 19 March 2012

All by myself~~~

After a long hard thought, say about 2 minutes, I decided that it was time for me to start my own blog. Why someone might ask, as I already have one great joined blog based on Dr J's and my squidding adventures. Reality is we're not always together when we are chasing our squid, so time to time we have what we call the "me time" to explore the art of squidding.

Truth be told, I never like going squidding alone. Well, most of the time I hate it, and the main reason for that is because I don't have anyone to brag my catch to or show off my awesome squid jigging techniques. Seriously, jokes aside or added I can't think of a better time other then taking a piss out on your friends while  he or she's not catching a single fish. C'mon we all done it before, but your mates can't always be around, so this blog is for those moments when I'm all alone searching for the so called aircraft carrier.

I hope you'll all enjoy my squid adventure coming ahead.

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